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Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

WH- Question

WH Question Words
We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). We often refer to them as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).
Question Word
asking for information about something
What is your name?

asking for repetition or confirmation
What? I can't hear you.
You did what?
asking for a reason, asking why
What did you do that for?
asking about time
When did he leave?
asking in or at what place or position
Where do they live?
asking about choice
Which colour do you want?
asking what or which person or people (subject)
Who opened the door?
asking what or which person or people (object)
Whom did you see?
asking about ownership
Whose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?
asking for reason, asking what...for
Why do you say that?
why don't
making a suggestion
Why don't I help you?
asking about manner
How does this work?

asking about condition or quality
How was your exam?
how + adj/adv
asking about extent or degree
see examples below
how far
How far is Pattaya from Bangkok?
how long
length (time or space)
How long will it take?
how many
quantity (countable)
How many cars are there?
how much
quantity (uncountable)
How much money do you have?
how old
How old are you?
how come (informal)
asking for reason, asking why
How come I can't see her?

Used to
Used to digunakan untuk menggambarkan kejadian yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau atau kebiasaan yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau tapi sudah tidak terjadi lagi di waktu sekarang. Misalnya, dulu saya biasa jalan kaki ke kantor, tapi sekarang saya ke kantor naik mobil.  Jadi dalam bahasa Inggris kalimatnya jadi: I used to walk to work. Contoh lain, misalnya saya dulu merokok, tapi sekarang saya sudah tidak merokok lagi. Jadi saya bilang, I used to smoke.
Jadi, untuk membuat kalimat ini used to ditambah dengan infinitive (verb 1)
Sekarang kita buat contoh-contoh yang lain, ya?
  1. He used to make his clothes by himself. Dia dulu biasa membuat pakaian sendiri.
  2. We used to see the movie every week. Dulu kami biasa nonton film seminggu sekali.
  3. Mother used to phone me three times a month. Dulu ibu biasa menelpon saya tiga kali sebulan.
  4. Mr. Stark used to come late to the office. Dulu dia biasa datang terlambat ke kantor
  5. Grandpa used to work in this office. Kakek dulu bekerja di kantor ini.
Untuk mebuat kalimat negative, Used to diubah menjadi didn’t use to.
  1. I didn’t use to have breakfast. Saya dulu tidak biasa sarapan.
  2. He didn’t used to drink wine. Dulu dia tidak biasa minum anggur.
  3. They didn’t use to go to school on foot. Dulu  mereka tidak biasa jalan kaki ke sekolah.
  4. We didn’t use to write using computer. Dulu kita tidak biasa menulis dengan komputer.
  5. My son didn’t use to play play station. Dulu anak saya tidak biasa main play station.
Untuk membuat kalimat interrogative atau kalimat tanya, kita tinggal meletakkan did+subject+use to+verb 1. Contohnya:
  1. Did you use to share your laptop with your daughter? Apakah dulu kamu biasa barengan laptop dengan ank perempuanmu?
  2. Did she use to go to the office by bus? Apakah dulu dia biasa pergi ke kantor naik bis?
  3. Did they use to sell the house? Apakah dulu mereka biasa jual rumah?
  4. Did you use to dream of me? aapakh kamu dulu memimpikanku?
  5. Did you use to visit her house? Apakah kamu dulu biasa mengunjungi rumahnya?
Nah, itu tadi contoh-contoh kalimat yang menggunakan used to + infinitive (verb 1). Sekarang saya punya contoh lain, saya dulu biasa menjadi tukang kayu tapi sekarang saya menjadi guru. Nah dalam bahasa Inggrisnya kalimat ini menjadi : I used to be a carpenter, now I am a teacher. Jadi used to juga bisa digunakan dengan noun/adjective. Used to bisa juga digunakan dalam kalimat pasif. Misalnya: Pertemuan ini dulu biasa diadakan di kantor. Bahasa inggrisnya: The meeting used to be held in the office.
  1. I used to be a good student. Saya dulu adala siswa yang rajin
  2. He used to be angry with his students when they were noughty.
  3. This food used to be eaten by rich people.
Nah, itu tadi penjelasan tentang penggunaan used to. Supaya lebih mahir, silahkan kerjakan latihan di bawah ini:
Ubahlah kalimat di bawah dengan menggunakan used to.
Contohnya: Jean played guitar >> Jean used to play guitar.
  1. He took some foods from the refrigerator.
  2. We never did good job.
  3. I was the leader of the class.
  4. Her apartment was on the first floor of this building.
  5. He bought all his clothes in Chandra department store.
Okay, mudah-mudahan bisa dipahami, ya? See you on the next lesson.

Enough berarti jumlah atau tingkat yang memuaskan. Contoh:
  • I’m so busy, I haven’t got enough time.
  • Do you have enough potatoes?
Enough ditempatkan setelah adjective dan adverb:
  • This jacket isn’t big enough for me.
  • She speaks English well enough to go to an American university.
Enough biasanya ditempatkan sebelum kata benda:
  • We have enough money to buy our own apartment.
Kita sering menggunakan enough…for, khususnya untuk orang dan hal. Contoh:
  • This job isn’t good enough for her.
  • We have enough time for a quick lunch.
Enough…to infinitif juga merupakan struktur yang umum. Contoh:
  • She’s old enough to drive a car.
  • We have enough time to eat some lunch.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Analysis Novel



Reported by :

The Report of NOVELS  :

Hawk “The Mind Twisters”

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Pancasakti University Tegal city

v   Types of prose    :
v   Title
                                     HAWK The Mind Twister
v   Characters
1.      Michel Hawk
Types of character is   :
flat character
Major character ( as the protagonist )
The character is           : angry, tall slender, finely tuned muscles, brown hair, he like coffe and wildly.
2.      Professor Emeritus Walter Cramer
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the protagonist )
The character is           : old man, good teacher, consistent
3.      Arbatove agent KGB
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the antagonist )
The character is           : angry, cruel man, and crafty man.
4.      Brandi
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the protagonist )
The character is           : egoist, pretty, smart wife, brilliant high technology.

5.      Gorge V. Pollock
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the antagonist )
The character is           : angry, bad leader, and arrogant.

6.      Herman Wankel
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the antagonist )
The character is           : flattered, tidy man

7.      Jeniffer
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the antagonist )
The character is           :Pretty and impolite

8.      Sands
Types of character is   :
flat character
Minor character ( as the protagonist )
The character is           : calm, honest.

v   Theme
We would not take a good thing if we just do by my egoism. Brave and honest would bring to a wnning.
v   Setting
Setting of place     : Singapore, temple of one thousand Buddha Hong Kong, Turki, Konya Air Port, Zurich, Las Vegas    
Setting of time      : night, end of the month, Christmas party, 1997,1965
v   Plot = forward = introduction – complication – resolution
In this novel use forward plot because the novel tells of introduction which start from Death Professor Emeritus Walter Cramer until temple has destroyed.
Introduction          : Mr. Cramer is journalist and he disability pay fro the war.
Complication         : Brandi has shot by arbatov and Hawk brought password.
Resolution             : Hawk decide to take war to KGB and CIA.
v   Point of view
This novel uses type the omniscient point of view because the author knows everything about all like figure activity, their feeling, character and the story about their inside minds and heart. Example sentences are “Yet he stalked the wildest hunch of his career. He was having more fun than he had ever had since he gave up being a working reporter to teach mentally myopic college kids”.
v   Figure Of speech
1)      Hyperbole        : we can see on page 8 like “ soon the Gods were supposed to enter the bodies of the dancers to take total control of their minds”
2)      Personification : “ B….r….a…..n….d….i!” the wind carried away his cry.
v   Moral value we can get from the story are :
-   Revenge can not be finished any problem
-   When you get mind twisters so you should asking to your heart
-   Heroin isn’t good for us and also as seller it. 
-   This novel teach us about brave and change setting our mind.
v   Analyzing the novel will give us some advantages, such us
1.      to improve our reading skill
2.      to enrich our vocabulary
3.      to enrich our CCU
4.      To improve our translation skill
5.      to get the pleasure by reading a novel

Professor E.W Cramer adalah seorang jurnalis di sebuah perusahaan Koran. Ketika terjadi perang dia sebagai bagian keamanan sosial dari korespondensi Washington. Dia lulusan dan guru dari sebuah universitas.
Pada suatu saat Cramer akan meneliti sebuah kasus tentang seribu kuil Budha yang berada di Hong Kong yangkabarnya kuil tersebut memiliki hal yang belum terpecahkan karena dalam 1 minggu sekali ada ritual aneh dan tempat itu tidak sembarang orang boleh masuk.
Setelah Cramer datang ke Hongkong dan menuju  ke penginapan dan sambil menyelidiki tentang Kuil seribu budha yang katanya tempat terlarang bagi warga sekitar. Tapi pada tengah malam tuan cramer sengaja menyelidiki masuk ke dalam kuil dan akhirnya dia melihat sebuah upacara yang menumbalkan seorang gadis dimana pemujanya menggunakan jubah seakan-akan mereka kesurupan. Tapi tuan Cramer tidak percaya terhadap hal yang gaib, akhirnya tuan Cramer terlihat menyusup dalam kuil dan ditangkap sebagai tumbal juga tapi dia berusaha lepas dari ikatan itu lalu dia berhasil lolos dengan kondisi berdarah sehingga dia meninggal dunia di rumah sakit dan kata terakhir yang diucapkannya yaitu menyebut nama muridnya yaitu Hawk, tuan Cramer meminta dia untuk meneruskan penyelidikannya sebagai seorang jurnalis.
Disamping itu Hawk sangat sulit ditemukan dan dia mempunyai masalah dengan agen KGB yaitu arbatov yang telah membunuh istrinya yang bernama brandi dalam baku tembak di turki, dikarenakan istrinya adalah seorang pembajak rekening sehingga mempunyai uang jutaan dolar dalam rekeningnya. Terakhir brandi meninggal dalam pelukan Hawk dan menyebutkan kata nomor kata sandinya.
Hawk binggung mau diapakan uang itu namun dalam hal itu dia berusaha mengambil dengan kode yang diucapkan istrinya. Dan memindahkan di rekening Hawk tapi agent KGB dan CIA yang di pimpin Goerge V.Pollock terus mengejar Hawk. Dengan segera Hawk menuju Zurich tempat menyimpan uang tersebut dan di bank Zurich dia disambut oleh herman wankel sebagai pencair dana dan jeniffer sebagai sekretarisnya. Sambutan yang mencurigakan tetapi Hawk tetap bisa mengambil uangnya karena dia memegang rekening dan codenya.
Masih dalam pengejaran arbatov dan goerge dia pergi ke Las Vegas untuk menikmati uang dan menenangkan pikiran tetapi dia bertemu Sands seorang detective yang bertugas mencari Hawk untuk menyampaikan pesan tuan Cramer yang menyuruhnya meneruskan penyelidikan di Hongkong mengenai kuil seribu budha itu.
Hawk yang seorang jurnalis yang mempunyai senjata dan kurus tapi kuat dan tangkas segera meninjau tempat itu. Dalam waktu tiga hari di Hongkong dia mencari tahu dengan memasang kamera tersembunyi dalam kuil tersebut dan hanya yang terlihat aneh adalah kuil itu dijaga oleh pasukan berseragam CIA dan KGB ada apa gerangan, Hawk sempat ragu apakah mereka tahu bahwa Hawk ada di Hongkong. Ternyata badan intelegent yang dipercaya penegak hukum memproduksi heroin dan kuil tersebut sebagai pabriknya. Berarti upacara keagamaan itu dan kesurupan, serta rumor bahwa kuil itu telah dikutuk hanyalah sebuah spionase untuk mengelabui tindak pelanggaran hukum itu, itu sebabnya tuan Cramer terbunuh. Hawk binggung mau melaporkan kejadian itu mungkin tidak akan ada yang percaya karena penjahatnya adalah orang pemerintahan sendiri.
Hawk memutuskan menyelesaikan kasus itu sendiri dengan membeli senjata gelap dan berperang dengan CIA dan KGB demi membalaskan kematian istrinya dan gurunya karena komplotan yang memalukan bagi penegak hukum. Akhirnya peperanganpun tak terelakkan dan akhirnya kasus pembuatan heroin terungkap Hawk berhasil membunuh Goerge V.Pollock dan arbatove di penjara sebagai otak kejahatan.

Briston Murder
v   Types of prose    :
v   Title
                                     Briston Murder
v   Characters
Describe of major character
1.      Name         : Peter John
Age                 : 22
Address           : 103 mill Road, bridgwater
Description      : tall, thin, dark hair, brown eyes
Life                 : Peter john was fifteen when his father died, peter’s mother was very poor and needed money, so Peter got a job. Peter gave all the money he earned to his mother to help pay for the house where they lived. Their house was very small and old but it was cheap. When he was seventeen Peter changed his job and started to work for a company called universal transport limited. This company had a lot of lorries. As soon as he was old enough, peter learnt to dribe when he was twenty-one, he passed a driving test which allowed him to drive bridgwater to Bristol, London, Birmingham and Manchester.
Type                : flat character
His character   : he is a Goodman who like help other person in problem if he can. Also he is a responsible in his job.

2.      Name         : John Steven
Age                 : 16
Address           : 24 dovenshire road, bristo
Description      : john steven’s mother and father are dead. He lives with uncle. His uncle, Robert stevens is school teacher. John is still at school but he doesn’t enjoy it and he wants to leave.
Type                : flat character
His character   : hw is honest man,
3.      Name         : Jeff Back
Age                 : 24
Address           : cabaret club,12 victoria street, Manchester
Description      : medium height, quiet fat, long dark hair, blue eyes.
Life                 : jeff beck left school at fifteen. He was soon in trouble with the police. When he was eighteen, he was sent to prison for three months for stealing cars. After he left prison, he continued stealing and was caught again. He is now twenty-four and has been in prison three times. He is the owner of a night club.
4.      Name         : Bob Steel
Age                 : 42
Address           : 12 river street Bristol
Description      : short, average weight, red hair, small red beard, green eyes.
Life                 : nothing is known about his childhood. He has no job. He sells information to the police about robberies and people who steal.

List as minor characters:
Mrs James
Age : 45
Flat character
character as the protagonist.
The character is        : nice mother, poor girl because her husband death
Mr. steven
Flat character
character  as the antagonist
The character is        : bad tempered, principle-man, old man has a nephew and he take care him badly.
Flat character
character  as the antagonist
The character is        : bad tempered, jealous-man, boyfriend of susan.
Flat character
character as the protagonist
The character is        : pretty girl, friendly, make easy to communicative and she is a steve’s girl friend
Inspector Shaw
Flat character
character  as the antagonist
The character is        : bad tempered, responsible police, rude man who take arrested john steven in a prison
Sergeant black :
Flat character
character  as the antagonist
         The character is     : honest police who interview smoothly
Tommy Logan :
         Round character
         Character is a protagonist
         The character is young-man who killed Mr.Steven by chair. He was a nice boy and because in a push condition he killed people.

v   Theme
Justice will rise in the world. If we do bad thing, you will get same thing and if you do nice action, you will get nice thing.
v   Setting
Setting of place     : Bristol as place of murder, Manchester as place to get information and purpose to send some goods, the cabaret club when peter met jeff, bob steel house, peter house, café, 
Setting of time      : In early October until next two day the story start until the end.
v   Plot = forward = introduction – complication – resolution
In this novel use forward plot because the novel tells of introduction which start when peter john go to work drive a lorry until he gets a problem in the way. Peter decided to help and finally the problem had gone.
Introduction          : peter john worked in the universal transport as a driver of lorry. He brought goods from bridgwater to Bristol, London, Birmingham and Manchester.
Complication         : when john steve take arrested by police and peter look for bob steel who know about information
Resolution             : finally, Tommy Logan admitted that he has killed Mr. Steve.
v   Point of view
This novel uses type the omniscient point of view because the author knows everything about all like figure activity, their feeling, character and the story about their inside minds and heart.
v   Figure Of speech
Figure of speech in this novel is very easy to understand especially in words.
The author find some clause in the novel always explained one it means.
v   Moral value we can get from the story are :
-   You have to do thing which you wanted and like.
-   Don’t be a man who bad-tempered and be careful each we take action..
-   We have to find a justice for defend truth. 
-   This novel made me realize that the truth is very important in our life. It encourages me to tell the truth and honest even the risk we will get will not always as our hope.
v   Analyzing the novel will give us some advantages, such us
·         to improve our reading skill
·         to enrich our vocabulary
·         to enrich our CCU
·         To improve our translation skill
·         to get the pleasure bay reading a novel

Summary Of Bristol Murder

In a nice morning Mrs. John was make being woke her son. His names peter, he has to take a breakfast and go to the work place in the universal transportation. He delivered goods from bridgwater ro Bristol, Manchester, etc.
That day, Peter had to deliver goods of biscuit to Manchester by his lorry. He sent goods passed Bristol when raining. Suddenly, in half way he met hitch-hiking and was holding out peter’s hand to ask for a lift. Then the boy followed to go Manchester anxiously. He names is john steven and he usually called john. John tells he had run away at home.
In the next way peter stop at café its time get tea break. Finally they have a good conversation and john told all why he run away at home. He told that he had been living with hi uncle steven. He pushed me to keep study in senior high school. He always became a good boy but I cannot get out home in the evening. He tried to watch cinema in the evening with friend. So his uncle very angry to him and kick his eyes. Then unaware he countered attack to his uncle. He fell down and he run away at home.
After john told about his story, Peter offer tea more John can take in a seller. When he go to the seller, peter read newspaper that “ Man Found Dead in Bristol, Police Look for his nephew John Steven who killed him”. But in peter’s mind, john can be trusted.
They continue their delivery to Manchester, john feel sleepy and he ask peter to sleep in to back lorry. After john sleep in the back, suddenly Policeman stopped my lorry. He looked for john steven but peter protect him with say that he don’t know about him.
Peter has to help john because he didn’t do it. Finally, they have visited Manchester after he load a some goods to the office. He was looking for an old friend he is a steal.
In other side, peter asked john to watching cinema because he want not meet other person. Peter met in the cabaret club. His friend’s name is Jeff’s, peter look for information who really killed john’s uncle.
Jeff very pleasant peter comes to meet him in his club, but he don’t know about that criminals. Jeff just can help he has to meet bob steel. He knows about all of Bristol than police. Jeff gave his address, soon, they return back in Bristol to get information about it for justice. In the next day he met bob steel. He is old man and freak. He knows about killing in the Bristol but he want some money as much as one hundred pounds. When peter will pay it bob steel ask them to meet again in the station at two o’clock. Then they separated between john and peter to meet again in the station. But bob steel call police that at two o’clock in station. Unfortunately, john come early than peter and policeman soon take arrested to the police office. He got interview with
Inspector shaw and sergeant black. Peter guess bob steel had called police and then he look for in his house but he didn’t find him. In the side road he saw bob steel effort run away of city. Peter followed him and he saw bob steel speak with a boy around sixteen. Both of then run away when they saw peter. So, pursuer to then can not stopped. Peter drive lorry and they by motorcycle finally they passed traffic lamp until there are police’s car stopped pursued. They and peter take to arrested in office and get interview and a sixteen boy who names Tommy Logan had killed john’s uncle. Finally john and peter get out from prison.